Report irregularities - A secure platform for whistleblowers
How to make a notification?
Persons who have information on irregularities and violations occurring in the performance of work or in the performance of tasks for the benefit of:
Kotłoinwest Sp. z o.o.
- on its behalf or in its interest, should promptly make a report indicating facts, events and circumstances known to them. Such persons should act in good faith and on the basis of reasonable factual elements and in the public interest.
Submissions shall be made openly. Anonymous submissions will not be considered. The notification should be documented and described in detail to allow investigation of the validity of the facts reported.
The persons competent to receive and analyze reports are those designated to handle them in accordance with the Procedure for Receiving Violations and Follow-up.
Kotłoinwest provides the following channel for reporting information on violations through a secure platform, available at:
An instructional video on reporting violations is available at:
It is particularly important that the submission include the following elements, if known to the Signatory:
- a detailed description of the facts that occurred
- the date and place where the event occurred
- personal data and the role of the people involved or elements that can identify them
- reference to possible documents that can confirm the validity of the facts reported
Within 7 days of receipt of the application, information on acceptance of the application will be sent, if the Signaller has left contact information.
The above notification channel is available for:
- employee, including in the event that the employment relationship has already terminated
- of an applicant for employment who became aware of a violation of the law during the recruitment process or pre-contract negotiations
- a person providing work on a basis other than the employment relationship, including under a civil law contract
- self-employed person
- a person performing work under the supervision and direction of a contractor, subcontractor or supplier, including under a civil law contract
- intern, trainee
- volunteer
The subject of the notification may be a violation of the law or an unlawful act or omission to circumvent the law concerning:
- public procurement
- financial services, products and markets
- prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- product safety and compliance
- transport security
- environmental protection
- radiological protection and nuclear safety
- food and feed safety
- animal health and welfare
- public health
- consumer protection
- privacy and data protection
- security of ICT networks and systems
- financial interests of the European Union
- the internal market of the European Union, including competition and state aid rules and corporate taxation
- corruption
- financial interests of the Treasury of the Republic of Poland, the local government unit and the European Union
- constitutional freedoms and rights of man and citizen - occurring in the relations of the individual with public authorities and not related to the areas indicated in the above points
The subject of the violation may also be activities aimed at concealing any of the violations listed in the paragraphs above.
How to report violations?
Protection of the applicant
Kotłoinwest guarantees the confidentiality of the application and the data contained therein, as well as the anonymity of the Signaller who sends the application, also in case it turns out to be unfounded.
Threats of any kind, retaliation, sanctions or discriminatory behavior against the Signaller will not be tolerated.
Kotłoinwest reserves the right to take appropriate action against anyone who retaliates or threatens to retaliate against the Signallers.
If the Signatory voluntarily provides personal data, the data will be processed in accordance with Kotłoinwest data protection policy.
The data of the persons indicated in the applications will be processed within the framework of the existing legal relations linking these persons with (name of organization), i.e., in particular to assess whether there are grounds for termination of the contract or application of other sanctions appropriate to the legal relationship.
Detailed information about the processing of personal data is available in the information clauses on:
- Information on the processing of personal data in connection with whistleblowing for the whistleblower
- Information on the processing of personal data in connection with whistleblowing for the subject of the whistleblower, third parties identified in the whistleblower, persons affiliated with the whistleblower, persons assisting with the whistleblower, and other persons participating in the investigation process